
District Association Vauban
The District Association Vauban is really into Freiburgs sustainable pilot district

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At the captcha-code there is a difference between lowercase and uppercase.

If you have forgotten to fill out a field there will be an error-message. Please correct the input of the red marked fields. Code, html- and php-characters are not allowed, your input will be deleted.

After sending this form you'll receive in few seconds a confirmation automatically. Only if you have received our confirmation, we are able to connect to your eMail-account. In other cases please check the spelling of your eMail-address. Also sometimes there are errors, when eMail-providers – mostly free accounts at the internet – switched off the account. Why they do so, very often nobody knows.
Alle Rechte bei Stadtteilverein Vauban e.V. – www.stadtteilverein-vauban.de
Datenschutzerklärung | Web-Design: naturConcept, Freiburg im Breisgau